Course curriculum


  • 1

    The Journey Begins (Start here)

    • How to navigate the Trans4m Challenge

    • Private support group

    • Frequently ask questions

    • Trans4m QuickStart Guide do This First!

  • 2

    Program downloads (Ebooks and Bonuses)

    • Main Guide Read this first

    • Diet Guide

    • Daily Quick Start Guide Day 1 to 30 Checklist

  • 3

    Part 1: Trans4m Intro and Expectations (Videos)

    • Introduction

    • Measuringresults

  • 4


    • alcohol

    • Sleep overview

    • Better sleep

    • A Winning Mindset

    • Achieve Lasting Change

    • Eating Outside

    • Changing Habits a Guide

    • Dealing with Setbacks

    • Goal Setting

    • Physiological Measurements

    • Other Things to Monitor

  • 5


    • Artificial Sweetners

    • Controlled Cheating

    • Carbohydrates

    • Protein

    • Protein Sources

    • Fats

    • Fiber

    • Hydration

    • Meal prep

    • Meal Timing

    • Micronutrients

    • Common Problems

    • Supplements

  • 6


    • Cardio Core Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m Cardio Core (full workout video)

    • Core on the Floor Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m Core on the Floor (full workout Video)

    • Strength Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m - Strength (full workout video)

    • Endurance Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m Endurance (full workout video)

    • Agility Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m Agility (full workout video)

    • Power Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m Power (full workout video)

    • Balance Workout Instructions

    • Trans4m- Balance (full workout video)

    • 2 way lunge & balance

    • 2 way lunge & balance

    • 3 way Lunge & Balance

    • 3Way Mountain Climber - How To

    • Beast Kick Throughs - How To

    • Balance & Crunch

    • Alternating Reverse Lunges - How To

    • Balance & Pull - how to

    • Crunch & Punch - How To

    • Beast to Kick Through - How To

    • Heel Reaches - How To

    • Flutter Kicks - How To

    • Plank Jack Taps - How To

    • Side plank Openers - how to

    • Climbing Burpee - How To

    • Dip & Reach - how to

    • Beast to Plank - How To

    • Forward lunges & balance

    • Clock Lunges - how to

    • Double Leg Extension - How To

    • Lunge, plyo lunge

    • Push Ups - How To

    • Power push ups

    • Squats - How To

    • Side Reach & Jump - How To

    • Squat to Lunge - How To

    • Jump Over to Hurdle - How To

    • Side lunge & balance

    • Wall Sit - How To

    • Jumping Jacks - How To

    • Triceps Dips - How To

    • Plank Reaches - How To

    • Mountain climbers

    • Sit Ups - How To

    • Reverse lunge & balance

    • Torso Twists - How To

    • Hip Dips - How To

    • Quick Feet- How To

    • Squat Walk & Reach - How To

    • Squat squat jump!

    • V Planks - How To

    • Power Knees

    • Shuffle Heisman - How To

    • High Knees - How To

    • Push & Lift

    • Twist & Pull - How To

    • Sumo Jab Ups - How To

    • Power Burpee

  • 7


    • Trans4m Recipes

    • PSMF (After week 3) and Trans4m Recipes

  • 8

    After The Challenge Workouts

    • 8 week workout schedule

    • Agility

    • Balance

    • Strength

    • Endurance

    • Core on the Floor

    • Cardio Core

    • Power

    • BodyWeight Blast - Core on the Floor (full workout)

    • BodyWeight Blast - Endurance (full workout)

    • BodyWeight Blast - Power (full workout)

    • BodyWeight Blast - Agility (full workout)

    • BodyWeight Blast - Cardio Core (full workout)

    • BodyWeight Blast - Strength (full workout)

    • BodyWeight Blast - Balance (full workout)

    • Balance Workout Instructions